Filament transfer interrupted
Horn Honk upon lock or unlock - 2011
r/magicTCG and The Website Formerly Known As Twitter
10,000 hour parametric designer
Panic bought a spare M5C hotend
Travel Setup Thoughts?
I have the wireless nice nano Corne running zmk. Can the halves be connected to each other via usb-c? I’ve been having latency issues most likely due to Bluetooth interference
Adding some legs and magnetic charging cable to a corne
The Biggest Wave Lineup Ever Seen In North America
Is this an infinite combo?
Best Light + Silent + Tactile Switches?
Final version of my wireless Sofle
Neuro's Zerg Replays Oct 26
What helped you improve/general improvement thread?
I can't believe it's finally here 💜
How does chat gpt know this spiritual truth? It’s insane🫢
$1250 Reward Certificates Going Out. Previous Max Was $1000.
PC recently requires full power cycle to boot properly
Restart requires completely unplugging power cable from psu, otherwise I get nothing on display. Had pc for 3 years, just started happening last few days. Cannot restart without full power cycle. Help please
Meshroom S with ATX Mobo and Asrock 6800xt
What made you switch from Nvidia to AMD or vice versa?
Meshroom S and ATX mobo sata ports usage
Gigabyte z390 aorus pro wifi atx motherboard cnvi locked
Gigabyte z390 aorus pro wifi ATX motherboard cnvi locked?