He's got a point
How old is THIS globe—?
Barry Blitt’s latest Kvetchbook
A young man demonstrating against low pay for teachers. He left school to earn $21 a week whilst his teacher was earning less than $18 a week.
Two Women stop a Pub to have a pint of beer while shopping on Kings Road in Chelsea, London, 1970s.
Sketches produced by a Gauntanamo Bay prisoner, detailing CIA's methods of torture
Survey says more young Canadians believe the history of the Holocaust is exaggerated
Who are we, humans? The normality of recent times. Racial segregation in South Africa, 1968
Homeless Population Change From 2023 to 2024
Stop signs are just optional now?
Amerca metal band per 1 millón inhabitantes
Me, in the middle of government building
Israel shekel from 60-77 AD
Does my septum look too big on me? Or size up?
Is this bunny as bad as I think it is😭
Driving Test Difficulty in each US State
Would a visible hand tattoo be ok?
Does this diameter look good on me?
No matter how hard life feels in Canada, lists like do this give some perspective. It’s not as bad as life elsewhere. Like in trumpland. Right?
RCMP asks for help handling troubling number of kids radicalizing online; Canadians as young as 12 being drawn to extremist views, Mountie warns
Was supposed to leave tomorrow on a trip to see out of state family for the first time in years. Been planned for months. Was riding with my aunt. She decided last minute to leave a day early without us.
Suicide nets at apple sweatshops in China
Number of Buddhists in Canada by province
Should you get banned for the reply "Russia loving your comments"?
Video of Indigenous man killed by Calgary officers 'concerning': police chief