King Soopers strike begins: Which Colorado stores are impacted?
Not necessarily related, but do y’all have recs? I’m in a slump. I obviously loved throne of glass and all the sjm books. I like from blood and ash, Quicksilver and Fourth wing a lot too. Help pls thank you 🙏✨
Rolled my ankle playing basketball
First time in Breck!
Does your ween do this?
Pro-Trump and MAGA Restaurants To Avoid?
Looking for the chapter 89 of KOA support group
Need to rehome a puppy (sadly)
Lol Hollin
Our new initiate
This'll bother him for 4 years
Are these chairs ugly enough to warrent $1400 to rent different chairs?
What’s a quote from Bluey that has became a part of your vocal stim?
You do not yield
Runners + Maasverse lovers! Any quotes/ideas for race signs??
My wife visibly panicking while in the endgame of Book 7
This is what’s happening
What's the fastest you've been turned away from a book you thought you'd like?
Settle a bet. What shape do you see?
Show me your bonded doxies.
I need another series recommendations. Doesn't have to be sci fi just something just as captivating
Stylist for Copper/Red Hair?
Do your kids ever wear mismatched socks?
rereading the books and now i have a lil theory
Small pop on husbands back