TIL that in 1997 Mattel released Share a Smile Becky, a disabled Barbie doll, only to discontinue it when the wheelchair couldn't fit through the front door of the Barbie Dreamhouse
Tell me about a material in your world
What's Something About Your World That You're Really Proud of?
These patch notes are crazy...
Mid-Season Update 5.8.0 — THE FINALS
The Ending of an Age
Reminder that concept art amounts to exactly jack shit in letting us know the direction of the game.
Some more low effort memes while we wait for EA to reveal the next slopfest
How to stop caring about realism?
Honestly this game just needed more infantry maps and I would place it over BF4 and BF1
Good time to finish this as the semester just started.
Worldbuilders are divided into two: Literal Gods and Kindergartners. Which one are you?
Grand bazaar in Istanbul, one of the oldest covered markets in the world.
CNS after giving us the best season
When charile first came out By @feedme_katsudon
Seriously, what better sequel is there than Terminator 2?
Why does it feel like almost every other player is hacking?
Does anyone actually enjoy the low gravity event?
Embark, you have been sitting on these open beta skins for long enough. Please release them!
Rob teasing CNS for next Season 👀!
wtf are these companies gonna do when we all just can’t afford anything anymore???
Army in Zombie Movies be like
Dissun Circuit Reward
New IVADA Cataclysm Set + 2400 Multibucks in the Steam Store.
Burst weapon idea for the heavies.