My scattered thoughts on this year's AoC
To everyone who made it to the end of AoC…
I am baffled by day 21. Please help.
Extremely basic bow struggles
Never lower your standards. Go somewhere you are appreciated.
gun video
anxiety about picking at lip piercings, xpost from /r/piercing?
i pick at my lips and i'm scared of migration!
TED Talks - Randall Munroe: Comics that ask "what if?"
hey guys... is there a subreddit that shows countdown timers to events happening live around the world? Soccer games... NASA launches... basically anything interesting live! would be awesome!
Is there a safe way to shave the hair in between your ass cheeks?
About the whole Ke$ha being a genius thread...
DAE hate these people?
Why is 'sexism' / 'racism' / 'ageism' / etc acknowledged in life, but there is nothing in place for being ugly?
Most WTF headline ever. As seen in today's Evening Standard.
Have you ever been called out for being a racist when you actually weren't?
A friend of mine spends his free time altering pictures of celebrities to make it look like they are little people. Here are some of my favorites.
This is so fucked up
Bố trí nhà bếp theo phong thủy - Tu bep,tủ bếp,bep gas,chau rua, may hut mui, may say bat,bep dien,bep tu, bếp, bep,tủ bếp gỗ, tủ bếp đẹp, tu bep dep, tu bep go, tu bep mini, phụ kiện tủ bếp, tu bep gia dinh,mau tu bep,nội thất, tủ b
College students, what do you do on the weekends?
Anderson Cooper just bashed Reddit for /r/jailbait. What does Reddit think of this?
The worst analogies ever written in a high school essay
OMG, what have I done?
Google Plus is now open to everyone but does anyone even care anymore?
MEN OF REDDIT: Know the phrase nice guys finish last? I am beginning to think the same goes for girls that are not dramatic/attention whores/crazy