Noob QuickSave Question
Here Is The Damage To Cost Ratio Of All Traps In OMDD As Of 1.0.8
Cant wait for this interaction lmao
Questions I cannot find in game or online
Deathtrap has huge potential.
All the minis I’ve ever painted for marvel crisis protocol!
So why was Tony only mad at Steve at the beginning of Endgame?
Top 25 Greatest MCU Villains: From 1-25. Who's the No. 10 MCU Villain of All Time?
Anywhere dot get good quality up to date stat cards
I see a lot of hate around Marvel now, is it something people still genuinely love? Is it a franchise/fictional universe that you consider one of your favourites or are you uninterested in it now? What other franchises/universes interest you more?
What are your thoughts on Marvels Avengers game and if they should have removed it
Who’s yours favorite Black Superhero
"You watching this shit? Cuz you're next" ahh stare
Top 25 Greatest MCU Villains: From 1-25. Who's the No. 9 MCU Villain of All Time?
The airport battle in Civil War is a level 21 threat encounter
Is this TOO much terrain on the mat for a match?
What do you think?
Top 25 Greatest MCU Villains: From 1-25. Who's the No. 5 MCU Villain of All Time?
Which romantic partner, besides Catwoman or Talia, do you believe would be the perfect match for Batman?
Who is your favourite older, bitter Bruce (doesn't have to be one of these)?
Riot hates Braum
Happy birthday to Phil LaMarr!
Who has the better filmography of these two?
MCP Core Set
I thought infinity stones didn't work outside their timeline?