What do you guys think of this painting 🖼️
I really enjoyed this.
Squabble up in gouache
First test print of my first woodcut
My home office
My most recent linocut w/progress pictures
Just a newb.
Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are
[analog] Interludes.
Recent pulls / experiments
Ask Me Anything - City Councillor Ashley Salvador
Jasper National Park: On Wednesday, January 29, Parks Canada discovered a pile of ash and debris dumped in a pull-out next to 12 Mile Bridge on Highway 16.
My second print
Are Canadians hesitant to travel to the USA for any reason as long as the current president is in office?
Made this for my mom [analog]
Is it possible to see closer then this?
repost from r/HikingAlberta- Scary Occurrence while Hiking in Banff
[analog] burned every bridge.
Burned every bridge. (Analog)
Do you pre-plan your compositions or make it up as you go? [discussion]
[analog] FFF + Biodiversity
chat gpt being down during finals is crazy
I can't wait until this subreddit returns to normal.
If this is your older relative at 261 Woodbine Ave, pls tell them to stop dumping their garbage!
What can you use to fix oil pastels?