What would happen if your blood actually boiled if you were walking around?
Guided my buddy to a nice redfish yesterday
Police vs hong kong protestors
Hong Kong today
How many kindergartners do you think you could personally take on in a fight before being overpowered?
Down the hall bro
see flair
Double spot red
Spinal cum
Love fighting redfish in the marsh!
What is your favorite saying concerning life?
Oklahoma Manhole Covers have a city map on it with a white dot showing where in the city you are.
Spotted on the Piccadilly line
Who is the sexiest animated character?
It's time Reddit! We're the cast and Director of Terminator: Dark Fate and we're here live from San Diego. Ask us anything!
What was your initial impression when visiting Reddit for the first time?
The Dairy Queen Experience
Don’t drink and drive cause your pets will wonder why you never came back to them.
Admit it, Reddit is completely biased towards left-leaning ideology.
Thanks, I hate Daddy Long Legs
Who was your hero as a kid?
How many hours do you sleep a night?
Male users of reddit, what is the most annoying thing about being a guy?
Beautiful Red I caught on the flats yesterday!
I am using my GF for sex and hate myself for it