Nobody will open the upstairs bedroom door for me so I'm just going to lay here and pout.
Memory keepsakes
Looking for trans community
Scary BBC Kids Show - Dizzy Heights Hotel
When to say goodbye?
There seems to be a lot of DIP posts lately
Gay venues for 30+ in Bristol
What should I look out for if my ferret is lonely?
Said our final goodbyes our little chaos beast today.
Albums for sale UK
Most underrated Monster Factory episode?
My friend is looking after our boys while we're out of town. She always sends the best update photos.
is it normal for a ferrets face to lighten? first photo is now and second photo is over a year ago.
Bueller the Narco
He saw the croissant so obviously it should be his.
My silver mit’s tail is turning yellow. Is this normal coat change or a symptom of something being wrong? He’s otherwise totally normal.
I tried very hard to make a pixel perfect recreation of Bart Simpson...but unfortunately I'm just not as good at Bart as Griffin McElroy (73JBF3C)
Huh, Ok!
Yesterday I Found Out All Episodes of 'The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends' were on YouTube- This might be nostalgic for a few members
Ferret has staring problem and its creepy yet adorable in a way
Grim Tales- A Playlist of episodes from a series where the late great Rik Mayall narrated Fairytales accompanied by abstract animation. These seem to be VHS transfers so the quality is shaky, until a DVD release they'll very much suffice
Drawing of my farmer and Willy
He loves the beach
Does anyone have their ferret chipped here? I’ve been thinking about it. I’d be devastated if they ever got out, but I don’t know how many people would actually check for a chip on a ferret if they were to be found?
Our 1st Gotcha Day Anniversary. Love my little dudes. Brand new cage and lots of treats and play fights tonight.